Eyvonne Donovan, 28, Sydney Mines NS
On October 24, 1990 Eyvonne Donovan was stabbed to death 26 times by her boyfriend, leaving behind her two children.
Their relationship was described as off and on since 1985.
A witness at trial testified that she had heard Eyvonne and her boyfriend arguing on the night Eyvonne was murdered, while she waited in another room. The Accused was pleading with Eyvonne not to leave him, later resorted to calling Eyvonne names.
After leaving her apartment, Eyvonne’s body was later found outside on the first landing of the building.
Eyvonne’s ex-boyfriend, 33 years old, pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder. On November 21, 1991, a jury found him guilty and sentenced him to life in prison with no eligibility for parole for 14 years.