Family Violence Prevention Week raises awareness of a devastating issue that families face everywhere. Here in Nova Scotia, we are all-too-familiar with the consequences of family violence and the deaths that result from it. Since 1992, 62 women have lost their lives due to intimate partner violence in Nova Scotia.

Family Violence Prevention Week is the week of Valentine’s Day every year.

Even if you are not experiencing family violence first hand, Family Violence Prevention Week is important for everyone. Here’s why:

Family violence can be hidden in plain sight

For many reasons, victims of family violence may keep their circumstances secret until they seek help.

Tireless control and manipulation by abusive partners leave victims in a difficult position to ask for help. Other barriers to leaving can also make the process of fleeing seem impossible.

Fear of judgement and consequences of disclosing to others are other reasons family violence can remain secret. If someone mentions they are experiencing violence at home, even if it seems nonchalant or in passing, they are disclosing something very important to you.

Simply knowing about family violence prevention resources can save someone’s life

People experiencing violence at home may find it difficult to seek help. Often their internet and phone usage is closely monitored by their abuser. Fear of judgement, or that their abuser may find out, can keep a victim from asking others for help in person.

If someone discloses to you they are in danger at home, being able to share resources they can turn to for help could save their life. Offering the use of your phone or computer to a person in danger is extremely helpful.

Resources that can help someone experiencing family violence:

What you can do during Family Violence Prevention Week

Help raise awareness about family violence and where can people to turn to for help.

Share helpful information like this article on social media – you never know who you may help just by spreading awareness of family violence prevention.