Jolene MacKinnon, 29, Port Morien NS
Jolene MacKinnon and her boyfriend, a native of the Netherlands, were shot and killed in the driveway of Jolene’s home on October 19, 2003 by Jolene’s estranged husband.
Jolene was the loving mother of two children, ages six and four. Jolene was described as a fine person, very tall, slender, attractive and personable.
A Statement of Facts notes that the Accused mental health diminished as his marriage disintegrated, and he faced financial ruin, including losing his home to foreclosure.
It was reported that the Accused’s stress peaked after Jolene told him she intended to take their children to the Netherlands to start a new life with her current boyfriend.
Jolene had met her boyfriend in an internet chat room during the winter of 2002-2003 while her husband was working as an electrician in Toronto.
In the summer of 2003 Jolene flew to Holland to meet her boyfriend, who, in turn, made his first visit to Nova Scotia to meet Jolene’s children. It was during this visit when they were both murdered.
The Accused was seeing a therapist and taking anti-anxiety medication because of fear that he would never see his children again. During this time, the Accused made an application to the court seeking an order to prevent Jolene from moving his children out of Canada. In addition, a newspaper ad announced the auction of the matrimonial home.
On October 19, 2003 Jolene, her boyfriend and two children went out to dinner. After arriving home, Jolene went inside with the children when she heard gun shots. Running out of the house, she found her boyfriend had been shot as he was getting out of the car. The Accused then shot and killed Jolene. Both children were eye-witnesses to the shooting. The Accused was charged with first-degree murder but pleaded guilty to a double-count of second-degree murder so his children would not have to testify. He was sentenced to life in prison with no eligibility of parole for 16 years