Melissa MacNeil, 17, Sydney NS
On May 10, 1997 Melissa MacNeil was six weeks away from graduating high school when she was beaten and strangled to death by her boyfriend.
Melissa was an honor student, planning to attend university when she graduated. One teacher described Melissa as an excellent English student, saying “she was such a little sweetheart, a little doll, she was so well liked.”
According to the Statement of Facts, Melissa and the Accused dated for approximately two and a half years. Prior to Melissa’s murder, there was no evidence of any physical abuse in the relationship. They were described as a “normal couple.”
Friends said that Melissa had been trying for some time to break up with the Accused. However, she worried that the Accused would get in trouble if they broke up. He also indicated that he would kill himself if she ended the relationship.
In the week prior to her death, Melissa was home sick with the flu and had not had much contact with the Accused.
On the night of May 10th, Melissa decided to attend a dance at the local church hall with her friends. Earlier, she had refused to go to the dance with the Accused, arguing over the phone. Nevertheless, Melissa and her friends met up with the Accused and his friends at the dance. Witnesses did not notice anything amiss in their interaction.
When the danced ended at 1:00 am, the Accused and Melissa went to a friend’s house. They ordered pizza and watched television. Melissa called home to say that she was going to spend the night, as she had on previous occasions.
The next morning when the friend and his common law wife awoke, both Melissa and the Accused were gone. They noticed what appeared to be a blood stain on the carpet and became concerned.
Melissa’s mother called the Accused indicating she was trying to locate Melissa. The Accused advised that he did not know where she was and that she had left the friend’s place at 4:00 a.m.
Shortly after 9:00 a.m. on May 11, 1997, the Accused went to the police station with his grandfather. The Accused advised he had told his Grandfather that he had hurt Melissa.
The Accused provided police with the location of Melissa’s body. She was found wrapped and taped in a white blanket.
An autopsy confirmed Melissa died of strangulation.
Later, a second Accused was charged with accessory to murder after the fact.
The Accused pleaded to second-degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison with no parole eligibility for 13 years.