Place a purple Barb’s Bench in your community
Creating a Barb’s Bench memorial in your community is a touching way to pay tribute to those women who have lost their lives to domestic homicide. By placing a number connected to local women’s shelter or helpline on the bench, it can help guide a woman to promote hope for those living with violence in their relationships.
Is placing a Barb’s Bench a fit for you?
- Does your community have a place a bench could be placed?
- Does your committee/group have the capacity to fundraiser for the cost?
- Are you willing to approach the parks/rec or municipality office to apply for placement?
- Are you willing to host an event for the dedication of your community bench?
Yes? Then take action!
Contact us for the Barb’s Bench toolbox:
- Set a date and time for the launch of your project
- Set up meetings with municipal office/parks and rec
- Order bench and memorial plaque
- Engage media
- Host your event!