Terralyn Fitzgerald, 29, Sydney NS
Terralyn was murdered by her ex-boyfriend on June 1, 1994 at the age of 29.
Terralyn had recently separated from her husband and was seeing the Accused for a short period. She ultimately broke off the relationship to reconcile with her husband.
Terralyn was the mother of two young daughters. She was also was a member of St. Theresa’s Parish and the Cursillo Movement in Antigonish.
Terralyn was an accomplished guitarist, flutist and singer and enjoyed sharing her talents with family, friends and her parish.
According to the Statement of Facts, Terralyn married her husband in 1991. She had two young daughters, ages nine and seven from a former marriage.
In January 1994, Terralyn and her husband separated, but she remained at the family home with her daughters.
Terralyn began a relationship for approximately one month with the Accused, ending the relationship three weeks prior to her death.
The Accused continued to send her gifts and flowers. On one occasion she received a package which contained her rosary and bracelet, both broken beyond repair. The Accused also made telephone calls to Terralyn, as well as sent her threatening letters.
On June 1st, the Accused appeared at Terralyn’s house, asking her daughters, who were on their way to school, the whereabouts of their mother.
Throughout the day, the Accused was seen walking around town carrying a bag of clothes.
Around 3:00pm, the Accused went back to the area of Terralyn’s home. After asking a couple for a light, the Accused indicated that he and Terralyn were selling everything and moving to Toronto. He further stated that if he could not sell his house, he would turn on the propane and ‘let her go up.’
Between 3:30-3:45pm, the Accused arrived at a friend’s home and was described as very distraught.
During their conversation, the Accused told his friend that he had burned down his house. Further, the Accused took a knife from his pocket, telling his friend that he killed his girlfriend.
In an interview with police, the Accused identified the knife as the one turned over to his friend.
Several people attempted to contact Terralyn on June 1st, as her children were not able to get in the house at lunchtime.
Terralyn’s friend looked after the children during lunchtime, while unsuccessfully trying to contact Terralyn.
At 3:50pm, as Terralyn’s children arrived home from school, the friend realized the back door was open, and entered the house where she found Terralyn’s body.
Around 3:25 pm the police were called to a fire at the Accused’s residence.
The Accused was arrested and charged with first degree murder and arson.
An autopsy revealed that Terralyn died from manual strangulation in combination with severe internal hemorrhage as a result of a stab wound to the upper abdomen.
The Accused pleaded guilty to second degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 15 years.